eSports betting is more popular in 2023 than ever before. The cult FIFA game especially is an integral part of youth culture worldwide. Not surprising, given that playing virtual football matches can be almost as exciting as a ‘real’ match. FIFA, just like regular football or soccer, is all about talent and insight plus a touch of luck. The pace and thrill of FIFA online attract players and betting sites offering eSports odds.

EA’s efforts to propel FIFA 23 as a top esports title has seen mainstream bookmakers offer FIFA betting various. Many leading eSports betting sites offer FIFA betting. FIFA betting allows you to bet on matches between FIFA pro teams and individual players and there are various digital soccer competitions and tournaments to explore like the FIFA eWorld Cup events. But how does betting on FIFA work exactly? How much can you win betting on FIFA? Are there any tips to help you win at FIFA? Our resident tipster answers all in this article.

Betting on FIFA eSports games

Having a bet on FIFA is not much different than a regular sports bet. Why? Because bookmakers now see eSports as a legit sport like tennis or golf. Go to a betting site with eSports, like Betway or Pinnacle, and you can what the odds are per match. Once you have viewed the odds it is a good idea to also check the player/team rankings online prior to making your bet. Based on stats you can see if a bet is worth the risk and how much you can win when your player or team beats the opposing side. Nothing new here - just tactics.

In 2018, Mohammed ‘MoAuba’ Harkous defied odds of 14/1 to win the $250,000 eWorld Cup title, demonstrating FIFA’s value to eSports punters.

FIFA Tournaments & Leagues

With major eSports betting sites online you can bet on FIFA games within various leagues. England, Germany, France, Spain and America to name a few have such virtual soccer leagues where the best league performers can qualify for the eChampions League.

There are also FIFA cup tournaments accepting eSports bets. For example, there is the eNations Cup, where the best two players from different countries compete against each other. Also each year the FIFA eWorld Cup is organized by EA Sports in cooperation with FIFA (the international governing body of association football). The FIFA eWorld Cup sees millions of players compete to be the best FIFA player in the world.

There are also competitions like the FUT Champions Cup and FIFA eNations Cup annually. Both FIFA tournaments provide excellent betting opportunities.

What are the options when betting on FIFA online

FIFA eSports Betting opportunities are not as good as regular sports matches. The reason is that eSports betting on games like FIFA is more susceptible to fraud. Many bookies only take bets on the winning player or winning team. You can predict the outcome and the difference in goals. But each betting site will offer up different betting opportunities. Is it rare that two different operators will display the same odds? Of course, you can combine bets to multiply the odds and create a more profitable bet.

Betting sites with FIFA betting

Not all betting sites allow you to place bets on FIFA or eSports in general for that matter. Nevertheless, we provide complete overviews of bookmakers with eSports online. We like to review the very best eSports betting sites and write about their exciting welcome bonuses and best eSports features. We offer bite-sized reviews of eSports betting sites, so you can quickly see which bookmaker suits your needs best. For example, see our Betway overview. Betway offers you the chance to pick up some quality welcome bonuses when you sign up depending on your country location.

Tips for bets on FIFA tournaments

As with regular sports, nothing is certain when betting on eSports. FIFA especially can prove to be a difficult game to bet on. It is a good idea to dive into the statistics and read FIFA player profiles before betting. Follow players and teams on social media and try to find out if they are in form. Check recent FIFA results to see if they have achieved good results against opponents recently.

Final Say

The eSports betting industry is certainly gaining more transparency and legitimacy as it moves away from the skin gambling controversies that plagued it a few years ago. Betting on FIFA has been heralded by many insiders as being the biggest opportunity for future growth within eSports gambling. So get the most out of eSports Betting with FIFA online!