We’re excited to announce the eSports Tipster community Discord today. At eSports Tipster, we love connecting with esports fans via our site, newsletters, and social channels such as Instagram plus at all the in-person events we’ve attended recently, so we wanted to create a more dedicated space to do just that and push forward with our vision.

In this article, we’ll be discussing the launch of the Discord community by esports tipster and why we see Discord as the tool to create a thriving community of like-minded esports betting fans. We’ll include details on how to access the server and join our Discord members. So, whether you’re a seasoned esports bettor or just starting out, get ready to learn to grow your passion for esports betting within our Discord community.

eSports Tipster Discord community

Within the world of esports, competition is fierce and betting opportunities for are abundant. As the esports betting scene continues to grow, it’s becoming increasingly important to have a platform for sharing tips, analysis, and strategies. That’s where Discord comes in - a powerful tool for creating a real-time conversation between bettors, allowing you to share information quickly and easily.

As the esports betting community continues to grow, it’s becoming increasingly important to have a platform for sharing tips, betting slip analysis, and strategies in real-time. That’s where Discord comes in - a powerful tool for creating a real-time conversation between gamblers worldwide, allowing you to share information quickly and easily.

Introduction to Discord

The Discord platform was founded by video game developer Jason Citron. The format is esoteric and still very niche but incorporates Facebook platform elements as well as those of rivals such as Telegram, Reddit, and Slack.

Loyal Discord users will be familiar with Discord’s various chat servers, or invite-only groups with their own house rules. Individual Discord servers are organized into multiple text and voice channels which are usually dedicated to specific topics.

Some of its most popular verified communities include groups for “Fortnite”, “PUBG Mobile”, “Clash Royale”, “Minecraft” and “Rainbow Six” - all of which dovetail into our plans, and we very much look forward to additional features and other communities springing up as Discord matures.

Gaming fans can communicate and share in text channels by post messages, upload files, and share images for others to see at any time. Or via voice channels in which users can connect through a voice or video call in real-time, and can share their screen with their friends - Go Live.

Read more about our decision to Launch an esports tipster server

The Discord platform aligns perfectly with what we want to do on multiple levels. We have no doubts that launching a Discord community can be a significant undertaking, but the benefits of doing so are crystal clear. A Discord community provides a space for esports gamblers to share tips, analysis, and strategies, collaborate with each other, and develop their skills.

One important consideration throughout the process is the importance of creating a positive and inclusive community culture. A community that encourages respectful discourse, collaboration, and inclusivity is more likely to attract and retain engaged members. It’s important to set clear guidelines for behavior and moderation and to actively encourage positive interactions within the community.


In summary, we believe launching a Discord community is an effective way to build a community of engaged esports gamblers and gaming fans. Esports Tipster will create a thriving community that benefits everyone involved through nurturing a community spirit, the right tools, and setting clear targets. By fostering a positive and inclusive community culture, esports tipster will ensure that the community remains an engaging and enjoyable place to hang out virtually.